#Date: 03 July (Saturday) 2021

#Total_Seat: 06 (First come first registration basis)

#Registration_fees: 5000 BDT

#Who_can_join?Physiotherapist, Physician, Orthopedician, General Practitioner (GP) can join the course.

#For_Registration: 01747592604 (Official)

#Venue: Training Complex of Academy of Physiotherapy, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

#Course_contents:1. Basics of Intraarticular infiltration and soft tissue injections therapy. 2. Indications, Contraindications, Precautions, Safety , Danger and products require for injections and infiltration. 3. Diagnostic infiltration (Upper limb and Lower limb): how to make a proper diagnosis through use of injections therapy during patient assessment. 4. Bursa/joint fluid aspiration: Fluid aspiration technique from traumatized joint/ inflamed bursa.5. Clinical infiltration: Infiltration to joints ( Shoulder joint, Knee joint , Ankle joint), Soft tissues injections (Tennis Elbow Type-I, Tennis Elbow Type-II, De-Quarvain disease, Trigger finger and Trigger Thumb, Planter Fascitis, Retrocalcaneal Bursitis) .6. Competence examination to get registration from academy.

#Method_of_facilitation: * Dr. Kamal will facilitate theories clarification along with full range of hands on practical physically at training venue as an international resource person on behalf of Monroe Medical (UK) and Academy of Physiotherapy (BD).*

#What_you_will_get? International associated certificate, course materials, food during course, updated knowledge to practice.

#Facilitator: Dr. S.M. Mustofa Kamal PT, International accredited course instructor (UK).

#Course_is_internationally_associated_with: Monroe Medical (www.monroemedical.co.uk) & Academy of Physiotherapy (www.aopbd.org)

2 Responses

  1. It’s a great job,
    A timely initiative in healthcare that will bring welfare to the people of the country.
    All these initiatives are taken by patriotic human beings with great mentality.
    There is no alternative to this organizational process to build skilled manpower not only in services but also in health services.
    Go ahead, we’re here, we’ll stay,
    Good luck.

  2. Dear Sir,
    Warm Greetings from Academy of Physiotherapy!!
    Thank you sincerely for your inspiration and recommendation of academy of Physiotherapy.
