Eligibility of the participants:
- BSPT/BPT/MSPT/MPT/MBBS/Foreign Students.
Contents of this CPD:
Day-1 (5 hours): Basic about PRP, indication, Contraindication, Precaution, Safety and danger, Blood collection procedure, Centrifuge machine operating, Preparation of PRP from human blood, Anatomy and palpation of AC + Shoulder + Elbow + Knee + Ankle + Rotator calf + Tennis Elbow + De-quarvain + Ligaments of Knee + Planter fasciitis.
Day-2 (9 hours): Live demonstration of PRP to AC joint + Rotator calf injury + Tennis Elbow +
De-quarvein disease + Ligament injury at knee joint + OA knee + Ligament injury at ankle + Planter fasciitis + Muscle strain, Competence examination.

Procedure will be use:
- PRP preparation from human blood by using a high quality centrifuge machine.
- Minimal invasive approach (Injection) for above mentioned conditions.
- All aseptic measure will be taken for participants and patients.
- All responsibility will be take care by academy of physiotherapy.
Competence Examination procedure:
- Practical Examination (70 marks)
- Oral examination (30 marks)
Pass marks 70%. Without obtain 70% marks she/he will not be eligible to receive certificate.