Injection Therapy for Therapeutic Purpose has been part of Physiotherapy Practice since 1997 (CSP, UK)
Date: 25 & 26 January ( Delhi- India) & 1 & 2 February (Mumbai-India)
Eligibility: Medical / Health professionals
Contact for registration: 9162931112
Course in Association by: Monroe Medical (UK), Academy of Physiotherapy (BD) & Eploris Healthcare (India)
Course Instructor: Dr. S.M. Mustofa kamal (accrediated course instructor – UK)
Course will cover: Basic theory of infiltration and soft tissue injections along with practical application of infiltration and injections therapy for both diagnostic and clinical purposes.
Benefits: All participants will get a competence certyificate (along with registration number, which will be uploaded to official website for internation verification) to practice injections therapy for diagnostic and clinical arena after successful pass in the competence examination. Its an extended scope of practices by health professionals (eg. Physio in UK).
For more details: www.aopbd.org www.monroemedical.co.uk info@aopbd.org info@monroemedical.co.uk
Fees is too much
Dear Dr. Chetan Ramesh Sir,
Thank you for your kind opinion. Please make a call to our organizer for your any quarry. or give us your number or email id so that our communication officer can contact you.
CO, Academy of Physiotherapy