Date: 8 October 2019
Seat: 12 (Professional Physiotherapist/BPT/MPT/MBBS are eligible)
Coverage Area:
Basics of functional anatomy and palpation along with surface marking, Basics of infiltration and soft tissue injection, Indication, contraindication, precaution, safety procedural of using infiltration and injections, Drugs/Product introduction, Practical application of infiltration and injections to following conditions (AC joint, Shoulder , Knee, Ankle joint, Tennis Elbow type-ii and Type-iv, De-quarvain disease, Trigger thumb and Trigger Finger, Retrocalcaneal Bursitis, Planter Fasitis), Competence examination, Certification.
You Will get:
Course materials (Colour note, pen, pad, file), Food during course (Breakfast, Lunch, High Tea), Competence Certificate.
Last Date of Registration: 30 September 2019.
Venue: Training Complex of Academy of Physiotherapy, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Contact Address:
Academy of Physiotherapy, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01747592604

Fees detail and he many days about accommodation…..
Plz organise in india delhi want to learn it.
How can I participate here?
Dear Concern,
You can participate if you are a health professionals and you have to fill up a course registration form (online / send via email after download from here To see our next course please keep your eyes on our website / Fb page.
Would u be ableto conduct this workshop in tamilnadu also
Dear Dr. Senthil Murugan,
Yes academy can conduct this course in Tamilnadu. We need a host organizer/organization there at Tamilnadu. Can you help us to find a host organizer/organization in your place at Tamilnadu?
Thanks in advance for your kind Cooperation.
CO, Academy of Physiotherapy
Who will teach? Course content and procedure to orgsnize the programme in our areas. Eligibility criteria? Any authentic paper suggesting physiotherapists can use it.